Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 93: Apple Picking

We went to an apple orchard one day last week after school. Jacob was so excited to go apple picking; we go at least once every fall. We were admittedly going a little early in the season, but this year's crop isn't a great one and isn't going to last a very long time. So there were only one kind we could pick on that particular day. And the pickings were slim. We had to get creative and climb the trees in order to get any apples.

Zach was with us this year, and he's the one who actually started the climbing method. Jacob followed his lead. Click on the picture to see Zach in the tree...

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At 8:28 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

I also climbed to get the Macs that we picked.

The Cortlands, on the other hand...We didn't even have to reach above our heads. And we only picked off of one tree.


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