Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well, it's done. I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. The night before I was due to have them out I was totally freaking out. I was getting lots of things taken care of and taking pictures incase I had one of those rare complications and I never regained control of my face. I decided I didn't want it done afterall, nor did I need it. I finally got on the computer and figured out what was going on with my teeth that they needed to come out. Dentists are just not good at explaining things. Seriously, I'd seen three different dentists in the last year and none of them could come up with the simple explanation I found myself via the internet. Back in the caveman days our jaws used to be a lot longer than they are now, so there was room for those extra teeth. And there was a need too. Apparently all the tough, caveman food really wore out one's teeth, so by the time you were 18-20 and your other raw meat-chewing teeth had been worn-down, a new set was coming through in the back. Now that our modern-man jaws are a lot smaller, that third set of molars still comes in but the up-turned jaw makes it a problem, hence, impaction.

Thank you. I kept saying I didn't understand what was impacted about my teeth because they were coming through and I had no pain. And the dentists just kept giving me the circular explanation. So now I get that they were growing at an angle and needed to come out because they would eventually grow into the other teeth. And I won't be needing those teeth because I don't eat meat to begin with! Now they're gone, and I quite miss them. I wish I had at least goteen to bring them home to put under my pillow. I could have used the cash from the Tooth Fairy to pay the bill for the surgery.

Yesterday was really rough. I came home still looped-up and completely numb, thus oblivious to the blood dripping out of my mouth all over the place. Good thing I was wearing a red shirt. I was walking around doing dishes, cleaning up the house, cracking jokes that no one could understand; I must have been a pretty sight. When whatever they gave me in the office wore off, I expected that the pain killers would knock me out and that would be it. Halfway through the day I called my mom crying, insisting that she had to call the dentist's office to get them to prescribe something stronger. I actually convinced her to call, but they were closed for lunch. Go figure.

Anyway, today is a lot better. I've been camped upstairs in the bed so I can actually sleep, instead of downstairs in the middle of all the action like yesterday. I iced the surgical spots non-stop so I had no swelling at first, but today I'm all puffed up on the one side (left) where my tooth was impacted in the bone (yuck!) and it's still getting more swollen. I was out of bed for a few hours today when I didn't take the pain killers and we went for a walk with the dogs in this beautiful weather. I just went upstairs to check on Zach, who brought Jacob up to bed a long time ago. Here's what I found:

Jacob has been sleeping mostly in the big bed, but a few times in the last week he's started the night in the little bed. And apparently, Zach started the night in the little bed too.


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