Friday, January 09, 2009

Dear Jenn

What makes you think I took pictures of my hair? Do you think I'm vain like you? ;-)

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At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

more like i'll be nostalgic and have pictures to look back on in the may never be this long again.

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

junior mints! i have that same shirt, i got it when i lived in florida a few years ago!

At 9:02 PM, Blogger xmas said...

get out! I can't believe I don't know simple things like that about you anymore. If you would hurry up and settle down, then have kids, we would have more to talk about again...

At 9:04 PM, Blogger xmas said...

Hey, see the pictures on the kitchen wall? Those are from our trip. I took the bottom left one and top right one in Ft. Collins.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Heather {naturally crafted mama} said...

hey stacey! thanks for stopping by my blog :) I haven't told my family that i'll be cloth diapering yet, i have a feeling i'll be getting the shocked wide eyed looks of horror from a few of them, haha! but yes, luckily it's becoming quite popular, there is so much information about it out there!
ps- you have a beautiful family! It's always nice to put faces with internet conversations :)


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