Monday, November 13, 2006

Something About Jacob

I have a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to write about Jacob, and I will hopefully get to that later...but I have to write about this now because I think it's truly amazing. I don't know if I have accurately conveyed Jacob's love of tools, so I'll tell you about what just happened. When Jacob and I got home a little after 6pm Zach was already upstairs in the 'torn-apart bathroom', which Jacob referred to it by last night. That's how long it's been like that; our son has forgotten that it ever was a real bathroom.

Anyway, Jacob's been up there with Zach since we got home. He literally has done nothing else since then but help Zach in the bathroom. We came in the door, Jacob heard tool noises, he threw off his jacket and shoes and booked it up the stairs. And when I say helping Zach, he really is. He's at that age where his love of 'getting things' for us and his ability to reach a given object/get a chair to reach an object/identify said object/locate object we can't find have perfectly aligned themselves to a point where he is finally earning his keep.

Oh yeah, my Zach just yelled for me to come up and see what Jacob has done. He used Zach's 5 lb, 18 volt drill, properly attached a screw, then proceeded to drill it (correctly) into an appropriate spot in the sheetrock. No lie. And really, we weren't all that surprised.

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