Friday, January 05, 2007

The Day Is Done

So it seems I have found my rose-colored glasses again. The second half of the day was much less frustrating than the first half. I think we just need to get out of the house more? I don't know. I just can't get over the fact that the more stuff I let slip from the calendar, the crazier things seem to be. Maybe Jacob is in a really needy phase? I can never be sure of how he compares to the Jacob of a few months, or even a few weeks ago. Perhaps the only thing that would give me a clear answer would be to keep a very detailed journal of all possible variables. And that would just be insane. One more possibility presents itself: Maybe it is always crazy like this, but once a little time goes by, I forget what it was like and only remember the good stuff. This is good and bad. Good that I can forget the hard times, but bad that it means I am not enjoying the moments of my life as they are happening. And I know that can't be true. I can at least remember that there have been some really good times with my mom friends. There just haven't been many of them lately. I think it's time Jacob and I get back into the swing of things with the group.

We did get out of the house this afternoon and did five errands in under two hours. Then we proceeded to Zach's work because they're having an event with a bouncy-bounce, clown, cotton candy, all as extras to draw the family crowd. So Jacob got to play and see Daddy for a while. I got to be in the moment and get my bearings. Back at home I plugged away at taking care of the animals, then gave Jacob a bath. By 8pm he was laying on the couch watching the Gilmore Girls (yes, I broke the one video rule) and sleep was sure to overtake him in no time. At 8:20 Jacob got up, turned off the TV and came upstairs. I knew if I got into bed totally with him that I wouldn't get anything else done, so I took the route I usually do, which is to be in and out every few minutes. He seems to fall asleep faster when left alone, but this only works if he's willing to be left alone. So I usually have to do a mix of reading to him in bed, and then escaping downstairs to do some more picking up/animal care/getting myself ready for bed and hope that one of those times I come back upstairs he will be magically asleep. Fast forward to 10:45 and Jacob is finally falling asleep. He had no nap today, by the way. WTF?

Anyway, I was hoping to be asleep by 10pm myself, as a friend is bringing her three year-old and one year-old by at 8am because I'm going to be watching them all day. I actually should be asleep because I took something to sleep a very long time ago. The fact that I'm still able to type makes me think that maybe I didn't take it? I know I took the pill out of the bottle...Anyway, even though it's going to be one long day with three kids, and I've only the endurance for one, I'm looking forward to it because I know doing much housework will be out of the question. It will force me to slow down and take part in the happenings of a three year-old's world - if he lets me in.


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