Saturday, January 10, 2009

Game Show In My Head

We were just getting ready to give Sabine a bath and get her down for the night. I'd used the word "naptime" in a sentence without putting it in air quotes or rolling my eyes, which is to say that we're getting better at the discipline and sleep issues. But Zach had turned the TV on to check a score.

Getting off the couch with a half naked baby, we saw a guy on TV half hanging out a port-a-potty trying to convince someone to give him a tissue or anything to wipe himself with. It was hilarious. Maybe it's because we haven't been habituated to much on TV lately, but everything seemed funny to us tonight. Anyway, we were laughing our asses off at this show - Game Show In My Head. There's one contestant and he's out on the street and he's given these challenges by the host, Joe Rogan. He's got a certain amount of time to find random people on the street and get them to do whatever it is he's been told - hence the hanging out of the port-a-john trying to get someone to give him something to wipe himself with. It could have just been this one contestant but he was freakin hilarious.

It probably won't last, and we probably won't even remember to watch it next Saturday night, just like a couple of other senseless gameshows we thought were funny. There was one really stupid one a few months ago - Hole In the Wall, where a moving wall came toward the contestants and they had to conform their bodies to fit through whatever the hole in the wall, whatever shape it was. Another one before that, Wipeout, where the whole show was people trying to get through these giant obstacle courses that were impossible and they always ended in them falling into nasty water. Incidentally, Hole In the Wall always ended with people falling in nasty water too.

Needless to say, we watched the entire hour and never gave Sabine a bath - details about her 'bedtime' to follow.

So anyway, if you're in the mood for some stupid laughs, or you want to feel better about yourself, check out the links.

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