Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Day 12: 2nd Cousins

This was taken in the afternoon when everyone was getting up from their naps.  Emma came in to help us wake up and get going.  Jacob snuggled with her for a while before she got sick of it and started to cry.  I love the pictures I took of them then.  I love Jacob's big lashes and Emma's big cheeks.  I actually think she looks a lot like her mother here.

Sabine keeps asking me if she held Baby Emma, and I'm pretty sure she did, but I guess I didn't get any pictures of that.  Oops.

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At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And sometimes Emma makes me think of her great-grandmother's baby pictures.

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Jenny said...

Tell Sabine that Emma will be coming to visit to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill at the end of the month. We can get together and she can have her picture taken holding Emma then if she wants.


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