Thursday, March 03, 2011

Day 7: Cracker Barrel

During vacation week we had a get together at Cracker Barrel with all the kids who used to hang out at playgroups, but are now in different schools.  Here's my kids and Beckie's kids out front as we were leaving. This was the day that I painstakingly gathered up all the barely-used crayons, putting one red, one blue, one yellow back in each box so that they wouldn't get thrown out when the table was cleared.  Jacob carried the crayons to the hostess desk for me and handed to the lady so she could put them back with the other crayons.  But instead she turned around and tossed them right in the garbage.  
I almost had a heart attack.

Does it matter to you if the crayons your kids use are sterile and have never been used before?  I can't figure out a reason why the hostess would have thrown the crayons out instead of just putting them back in the basket.  I've found a place where I can send my used crayons, so I'm going begin a project to collect as many crayons, that would have otherwise gone to a landfill, and send them in for re-use as well.

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At 6:39 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

Crayola has that new "crayon maker" where you can melt down old crayons and make new ones out of "scrap" crayons. Cracker Barrel ought to know about it...

At 9:45 PM, Blogger xmas said...

Oh my God, I have melted down and made crafts out of so many, many crayons in my life as a mother. I am so over that. I can't wait to just send them in.

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Gawan/Color My World said...

We have seen the same exact thing happen in so many restaurant chains, its terrible. Check out the organization that my friend and I created in order to combat the problem:

If you know any teenager who might be interested in joining our team please don't hesitate to let us know and have them send us an email at


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