Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 19: The Little Potty

I'm going to try to be on the lookout for signs of spring - even though it's 15 degrees below the normal temperatures for this time of year, and snow can still be found on the ground in many places.  In the meantime, here's Sabine's potty as of a couple weeks ago.  Earlier in the year I had a wave of inspiration about the whole potty issue (I was not having much luck getting Sabine to use it).  I'd been trying to bribe her with various things, yet none of them appealed to her. 

Finally I realized it had to be something that could be measured so she could see her progress over time.  She went for the sticker idea, which is great because I have millions of stickers.  I give her one each time she goes pee on the little potty and she gets to put it on the potty.  I think for some reason it matters that it goes on the actual potty and not like, her getting to wear it on her shirt or something.

It's been a few weeks since this picture has been taken and by now it's covered with stickers.  She's still wearing diapers a lot of the time, but more and more of them are staying dry.  I am just so ready to be done washing diapers, and they really stink now so it will great when they're eliminated completely. 

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At 9:43 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

Wow, you've become quite the behaviorist! Congratulations, B.F. Stacey!


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