Sunday, January 07, 2007

Good Day

Yesterday was great. I heard it was 70 degrees out, and I believe it because me and the three kids under my care spent over two hours outside. The baby was mellow and enjoyed watching the big boys dig, gather, play together, play apart - and then he slept in the swing so I walked around taking pictures on my new camera. I must have been euphoric because I probably took like 40 pictures. I hadn't realized how many I took until I was reviewing them later on. So Jacob was in a good mood because he got to do his thing in the yard and I was happy because I got to absorb all that good nature energy. We are all like that, me, Zach and Jacob. We're nature people and we require a lot of outdoor time to feel at ease in our own bodies - and we need a lot of physical activity too.

Isn't it supposed to be January? You wouldn't think so from the fact that I had on a sleeveless shirt yesterday and the kids were out without coats. I won't miss it if winter never comes this year. I'll be pretty nervous that it means global warming is closing in on us or something, but I don't think I'll be longing for the snow. Jacob will be mighty disappointed, so on second thought I'll take just a few days of snow. He won't realize that it's supposed to be like for too many months that you forget what green grass looks like. We'll just make sure to take a lot of pictures.

So the rest of the day was really good. I scanned a lot of pictures and put them up on flickr. But I'm still figuring out the rest of my new camera. What I remember from photography class in college has taken me as far as it can. I'll learn the rest soon and I can start to post more pictures.

Anyway, I have to get up at an unheard of (for me) hour to be in to open up at work tomorrow. Jacob is coming with me so that means a lot more packing time. This is the start of at least two really busy weeks and I'm nervous I'm not going to make it through without a breakdown. Last night Zach told me that by next weekend the bathroom will be done. This morning the universe awarded him the sudden onset of a stomach virus in response to his hubris. I've been chugging Airborne all day and he spent the first half of the day napping and then felt well enough later on to finish the tiling in the bathroom that he's been spending all his free moments on in the last three days. When Zach finished doing that and putting in the grout, he noticed a small hairline crack in the new tub. Just. Great. I wonder how long that will take to be fixed and/or replaced so that further progress can take place. I feel like if the house stuff could just be done already things would be so much easier; I wouldn't have the perpetual off-and-on feeling of the world closing in on me.

Ah, well, that'll be it for now. I have a growing list of random Jacob things I've been meaning to write about. Perhaps I'll get to it soon. Tomorrow is a new day.


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