Monday, July 16, 2007

Not Hell, Just Kansas

Haha...actually, I kind of like it so far...actually, I kind of love it here. Apparently flat land really agrees with me. I was like this in South Dakota too. I can't remember the last time I was this happy, except for SD. There's something about the energy in these places. The land just sucks all the bad feelings right out of me. I'm feeling so laid back, especially concerning Jacob. If he's out of my sight for five seconds, it doesn't necessarily mean something tragic happened to him. For instance, right now Jacob is really quite upset he didn't get outside in time to "help Daddy empty out the poop!" Zach was getting out of the front seat and said with a smile, "Well, time to empty out the shit..I mean the poop." And then Jacob repeated it word-for-word. I didn't even freak out. I thought it was cute.

Anyway, I was making point here, drawing a comparison to bring me back to a few days ago, but I can't remember what that was going to be, so I'll have to go back and edit later. Oh, wait, it was something about feeling so sick...? We went a visiting to a friend's house on Friday.

I guess I'll just start back a few days ago. We left the campsite with the horses, went to a cool coffee shop in town where I got to put an orange pin on the map to show where I'm from. I've always wanted to do that. We drove to Laramie, Wyoming and stayed there for the night. This was the place where I couldn't get on the internet, which I'm sure I wrote about but I can't remember what all I said. In the morning the lady handed me the little card with the code and I got all caught up with the blog. Then we drove to Fort Collins, CO to see some places that Zach wanted to show me from way back when he trained there a couple summers. We stayed at a state park kind of campground, so it wasn't really a community campsite, but it was beautiful nonetheless. I took a million pictures of the flora, then we headed into town for Zach's new Frappuccino fix and I loaded up at Safeway. And we headed out of town...



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