Thursday, May 08, 2008

More pregnancy fun

There are some advantages of this pregnancy thing. One of them being that I have a nifty new shelf upon which to place things I need to keep close at hand. This new feature of my body is particularly exciting because I can no longer do the bending over thing that humans are designed for. Without my little four year old ankle biter accompanying me everywhere I go I would have no one to pick up dropped items off the ground for me. Anyway, the most useful way 'the shelf' has served me thus far is that is provides an excellent book holder. At night when I am tired and can no longer sit upright, but still want to read, I just plop the book atop my stomach and it is the perfect distance from my face. I don't have a picture of the 'book shelf' mode yet, but here is a random example (from two different angles).

Here's another example of what it's like being eight months pregnant: The heartburn is so bad round the clock now that I travel everywhere I go with a bottle of Tums. Last week I just had my little emergency pack in the car and I'd already downed most of it, save for one. We'd just gotten to the mall where I had a couple quick errands, so with my LAST Tums in hand, I was trying to hurriedly get Jacob out of his car seat. In the process, I dropped my last Tums on the ground - the mall parking lot. I watched it falling in slow motion and let it sit there for a few seconds before deciding what to do. But the heartburn was too bad to let my last Tums go, so I picked it up, brushed it off and ate it anyway.

The pictures that follow this last account are a bit graphic and may not be suitable for young eyes, but if you have a husband who doesn't believe how hard the baby kicks you, then these pictures would be a good example to show him so he will believe you.

Lastly, I have to share about the painful baby movements at night. The baby moves all day long and like crazy, which I know is a good thing, but when I was at my midwife appointment the other day she told me that I was having a contraction, just a Braxton-Hicks, but that makes sense. Maybe that is what is happening at night that makes me so unbelievably uncomfortable. Why it feels like the baby is moving in eight different places at once and I am doubled over in pain. Maybe it is, I'll have to ask around to some of my mom friends. I'm not sure though, I'm still willing to bet money on my own little theory. Here is what I theorize is getting ready to happen to my body:

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