Sunday, November 16, 2008

What's to come

The other day I was in the kitchen and Jacob was hanging out with Sabine on the couch. He was keeping an eye on her for a minute and he didn't think was listening. But from around the corner I hear his little voice sweetly say, "Sabine, wanna pick my nose?" I could just picture him leaning down with his face close to wherever her hand was, trying to get her to 'accidentally' stick her finger up his nose. Yeah, he's going to be that kind of big brother. The ones who are always sitting on your face and farting or talking you into sneaky things then blaming it on you.

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At 5:35 PM, Blogger emmay said...

That is hilarious!!!

At 8:58 PM, Blogger BeckieB said...

Well, I was just telling you about my two trying to lean over and fart in my face and hubby SWEARING he didn't teach them.... It's the testosterone in training thing. Obviously a glitch in the evolution thing.


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