Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 1: A picture a day

I snapped this picture last week and that's when I came up with the idea of posting a picture a day all summer. It's my challenge to myself in order to keep me coming back to this blog regularly. I can't seem to keep up with it for more than a week. So, if a picture truly is worth a thousand words, then if I never get to post anything else, the photos themselves should suffice.

I actually took the photo of the spider so that I could post it on facebook and have someone tell me what the heck kind of spider it is. I'm very curious because it is the biggest spider I have ever seen in my backyard. Click on the photo for a picture showing it's true size.

Here are my rules:

1) Obviously it has to be one I've of my own photos, but if someone else takes a photo on my camera and it's blog-worthy, then that counts as being in my possession.

2) It doesn't have to be a photo taken on that day, but it should represent something happening in our lives at that time.

3) I reserve the right to 'cheat' by post-dating some photos to appear at a later date, as we will be out of town and away from internet access at least a few times this summer.

4) I am beginning on the start of summer. I will continue through the official end of summer of September.

5) No matter how hard the decision may be, I can only choose one photo for each day.

Come back daily to check in! And please leave comments!!!

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