Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not the first time this has happened

It's been in the nineties this week so, yeah, I've just been letting Sabine go around naked. Half the time because it's so hot I just don't care, the other half because it's so hot I don't have the energy to chase after and put clothes on her. Well she pooped on the floor today. I walked into the dining room and there she was - I don't know what she was trying to do, pick it up - with her hands covered in poop.

I scooped her up and with my arms fully extended, carried her to the bathroom, washed her hands three times, cleaned up her toosh and then handed her off to Zach. I went back to the dining room to clean up the mess and it was gone. In it's place were the dogs, looking very excited about the treat they'd just received.

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At 12:40 PM, Blogger Erica said...

GROSS!!!! I just cleaned poop off our bathroom stepstool this morning. Was just very grateful that it wasn't on the carpet this time (and that Olly didn't touch it this time). Hoping for some luck with potty training this summer.


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