Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cheek to cheek

My children have never gone to sleep easily. Sabine is a quirky little thing and always finds quirky new ways of demanding to be put to sleep. With Zach, Sabine sort of has a routine and that is all good and well, but if he's not around then I have to do it. And there is not much that I hate more than putting my kids to sleep. After all, I'm the one they got the sleepless gene from, so it's sort of useless for me to try to induce sleep. I get in there and my non-stop energy shakes everything up.

Anyway, here's the method she chose yesterday:

She asked to have Baby Honey in the carrier and then stood around swaying with her (which happens to be my default method of getting her to sleep) going "Bye Baby" - which is how Sabine sings Rock-a-bye baby. I think she was feeling the futility of the whole effort and chose to highlight the fact by making fun of my meager attempt.

Sabine would not take that thing off and the one time that I tried to by unclipping one of the latches, she had a Royal Fit that continued for five minutes after I'd put it back the way it had been. So to make a long story short, she eventually fell asleep like this. And even though Baby Honey is still awake in the photo, she looks very happy, doesn't she?

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