Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 29: Paper Wasps

This nest is attached to a little shed that we keep on the side of the house. Last week it was on the other door and was only discovered when Harry got stung. I had to sneak out at night while all the little waspys were sleeping and knock down their home. Ever determined, they just picked up where they left off, but on the opposite door. I've opened it all up and have been gently taking everything out with the goal of dismantling the shed for the season. I find that I can't knock the nest down; for one, I'm the never-hurt-a-fly type, and honestly, the wasps haven't done anything wrong. They've just as much a right to live here as we do. Secondly, I find them fascinating - that's an understatement.

I go out there everyday with the excuse that I'm checking things out, seeing about a humane method to getting rid of the nest. I just end up watching them up-close for a time, getting the camera and getting in close to take some photos. I can't get close enough with my macro lens cuz about a foot and a half away from them, they start to all look up at me with a mean glare. I've tried the telephoto lens but it can't focus that close. This photo is the best I can do. I love it though; my favorite is the guy on the top left looking right at me, daring me to get closer.

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