Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 69: I was fine until then

On Tuesday of our trip Jacob and I climbed the Cape May Lighthouse. Instead of posting a photo of the actual lighthouse, I thought it would be funnier to post this. My reason being: I was fine until I saw this sign at the base of the lighthouse. I really hadn't given the height or enclosed-ness of it a thought. Then I read the rules and all because I'm a rule-reading kind of person. As we got closer to the top, I was less and less of a happy camper. At the top I would hardly let Jacob go anywhere near the edge and I couldn't wait to get back down to the ground.

Prior to that, Zach and I had decided he would stay with Sabine and watch for us and I'd climb with Jacob. He'd had a foot issue going on and we thought it would be a pain to carry Sabine up (plus, when I read the Rules, I found out backpack carriers weren't allowed anyway), but when I got to the top and recalled our conversation and remembered Zach is a little queasy about heights as well, I realized that his 'foot issue' was just a way to get me to go instead.

I do have pictures of us at the top of the lighthouse, but they're not great or anything. For one, there was absolutely nowhere to safely change my lenses, and then there was no one who could figure out how to use my camera in order to take a picture of me with Jacob. "Sure, I can take a picture, as long as it's just point and click...?" I should have just had Jacob take a picture. But click on the photo to see what we did get.

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