Sunday, November 19, 2006

Funding For Jacob's College Tuition

So I was just looking up the farm where we get our milk delivered from because I want to pass the number along to someone. In my search I came across this:

A picture speaks a thousand words, but incase the page is expired by the time you are reading this, it's a milk cap. That's all. Nothing 'vintage' about it. And it's from the farm where we get our milk! Starting bid: $.99. And a dollar for shipping, so I'd be making a buck fifty. Not a whole lot, but when you consider that we get sometimes 4 milks a week...that's a pretty good amount of money in exchange for NOTHING. It's a milk cap, and it's just a flimsy little plastic thing that usually rips on me the first time I open the milk.

I challenge you to find something as ridiculous on ebay. Send me a link.



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