Monday, July 16, 2007

Visits With a Friend

From Aurora (where we didn't get a campsite because the lady on the phone said we couldn't make reservations, but they had plenty of room...only to find out a different story when we got there) we headed to Colorado Springs for a visit with Jenn! It's been many years I've been waiting to see the place she so loves. We spent two nights there - the only time we stayed in one place for more than one night - and did lots of things which I will have to write about later because we're pulling out of the parking lot! Look for this post to be updated later.

We're driving through Kansas today, not sure how far we'll get. The campsites are all starting to blur in our memories. When we speak of past ones we have to say things like, "The one will the air pillow," or "The one with the petting zoo." Today's place will be known as the one with the rumble cars!!



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