Monday, August 27, 2007

My Response

Well I think I'll just go ahead and post my response here:

First off, I could go either way on the ring. I'm not really a jewelry person. I wear my wedding ring when I leave the house and that is about it. Meh. To borrow a phrase from you. I was just asking to be supportive, and while a picture would be nice, my life isn't depending on it.

As for the marshmallows, I burn them. Intentionally. I told Kevin that I start off with nice plans to slowly cook them, but then I get bored and stick 'em right in the flame. Either way, I like them cooked thoroughly. And if I were the kind of person who *eats*, then it would be right off the stick. I'm not a pansy like a certain someone.

Sugar is overused - BUT, second only to coffee, it is my lifeblood. So I have to agree with you on that one, maybe I'm more tolerant of things without sugar, but I won't deny anyone their rightful amount of sugar. Except for whipped cream on frozen coffee drinks.

Oh, and the barbecue issue...I call it a grill also. I'm not saying these things to be argumentative, perhaps I just don't belong in the northeast. Oh, and I finally figured out why I was so confused about the website-crossover-moment. Kevin and I had a very enlightening conversation the other day that peaked at, "Oh, that was her who referred to it as the 'Yankee way'!" So there it is. The lines have finally blurred enough that Kevin can't tell us apart.

I'll just leave you with this: Any thoughts on how people eat their corn on the cob?


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

You mean you wouldn't be a pansy if you weren't averse to all foods.

At 6:43 AM, Blogger BlueSunshine said...

Hm...corn on the cob...I should pay attention to that. I will report back with my findings but it is late in the summer, so it may not be until next year that I have enough information for the correct stats.

As for the rings. Back to those. I could give a fiddlers fart about bling. But it was a great gesture on his part, they look nice and probably will for the next 100 years. He gets points for thinking. And since a Nikon was out of the question money wise, this will do.

And it proves to me more since you say grill, that Lucas was grown in a freak vortex of Upstate. A place where Documentary sounds like it is spelled and not like *tree*.


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