Monday, January 07, 2008

A Refreshing Conversation

In Target the other day a lady in line behind us asked how old Jacob is. I told her. I waited. She didn't look surprised. Her response was that she has a granddaughter who is almost four. Then she asked if he is in pre-school. I told her no, we are homeschooling. I waited. She looked happy. She exclaimed that that sounded so nice. So many people are doing that these days, better than sending them to school (she said with a wrinkled nose), or some comment to that effect. Then she asked another question about it and wished us a good day as we walked away smiling.

It's nice to have a stranger on my side for once.

And I'm happy to report that someone today asked me when I am due. She started the conversation just like that, as in she didn't already know I am pregnant. So at least some people can tell.

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