Saturday, May 17, 2008

8 months

Earlier in the week I officially turned eight months pregnant. I now have a legitimate reason for being as big as a cow and I can say "next month" in response to someone's query about when I'm due without their eyes growing large and the supplemental comment of "My God you must be having twins!" I consider this the final stretch.

I may have gained a ton of weight, but I think I'm doing pretty good for myself. I mowed the whole lawn this week, the moms and I took the kids for an hour and half long hike the other day, I've been throwing around the baseball with Jacob and Zach, lifting weights and today I did a cartwheel just to see if I could still do it. Sure, I saw stars for a while afterwards, but I landed on my feet. I haven't tested my ability to do pushups yet, but last time I tried (when I turned 7 months) I could still do 10 real ones.

I took this picture while we were at camp
last weekend.

This is a picture of me in the same window as
the one above, just about a year earlier.

I just have to keep reminding myself that I
used to be not-fat, and that I'll be that way
again and able to do normal things again,
and it will make this last month a lot
easier to stomach.

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At 10:15 PM, Blogger Laura said...

A cartwheel?! Are you serious?! And 10 pushups a month ago?! You are amazing! You look great and this is what your body is supposed to do in preparation for a baby! Just remember that!


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