Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2: Sabine's Birthday

Today Sabine turns two! I had a really hard time picking what picture to use for today. I took a couple today while we were strawberry picking, but neither of them were exactly what I was looking for. I had wanted to use this one where you can see the '2' I painted on her cheek but you can't see her face very well, and there's another one that's perfect except it is both Jacob and Sabine, and since this is her day, I wanted it to be of just her.

I've gone back and added a rule, plus I edited another, because I had such a hard time picking today - one photo only, and no more.

Anyway, this picture took the cake (haha, birthday joke) because it so accurately represents Sabine these days; she's all quirky with her little arm bands she insists on wearing and her hair is all over the place and beautiful, and she's always watching what's going on. I took this picture at Jacob's last baseball game on Saturday. I said that day she looked like she stepped out of a Molly Ringwald movie, that or an old school Madonna video...and you can't even see what she had on her feet.

You can see the runners up here and here and here (oops, last link to be added later, flickr is being extremely slow right now).

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At 6:49 AM, Blogger emmay said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sabine!


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