Monday, November 27, 2006

How Did I Get So Lucky?

It's Monday morning, Jacob and I have been up for about an hour and after much activity I find I need to rest again. I'm still recovering from being sick all of Thanksgiving week/weekend. Actually, I'm still pretty sick. So here I am lying on the couch and Jacob comes over to me. He asks if I want him to snuggle with me. I most certainly do. So he's snuggling with me and I told him, "This is my favorite thing in the whole world." He responds by saying, "Here lets give hugs and kisses." And just when I thought it couldn't get any better he stops the hugging & kissing to rub noses with me. That's our special thing. He is so sweet lately. And so obedient. Not that I need him to be perfectly obedient all the time, but it's just nice not to have to waste energy on trying to get him to do things. I'm sure there will be tough 3 year-old times ahead, but this is a really nice interlude. I'm going to get as much of this as I can while it lasts...

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