Saturday, August 04, 2007


This is Ginger waiting to get in the car after we picked
her up from the vet's. She's really acting no differently.

Back at home, Jacob was so happy to have Ginger there,
he just kept lavishing attention on her and wanted me
to take all kinds of pictures of them together.

The next morning I woke up to find Jacob already
out of bed and 'reading Ginger a book'.

We're only supposed to be taking Ginger for quick
walks just to pee, but I feel so bad for her that today
I took her outside to sit in the grass for a while.

The above is what they look like snuggling, and
below is Jacob and Ginger deep in conversation.

This is what her shaven area looks like.

And this is the staples up close.

And finally the conehead pictures we've been
waiting to post.

Zach thought you'd like this one, Chris.

But of course, Jaocb wears it more than Ginger.

By they way, if you noticed, there
are some 'teaser' pictures of what the
former dining room/then former dogs' room/now living room
looks like.


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