Sunday, October 14, 2007

We're back...

...but this is where we were:

Saturday, 10/6/07

I never got to post before we departed, but Jacob and I left town yesterday in order to get out of the way so Zach could do his big roof project. He has to do the siding eventually too. I don’t even care that the back of the house is just tyvek, I could live with it like that, but last winter it leaked badly. So we need the siding. That will be more money and more time that Zach is mostly unavailable to us. I am so tired, and ready for this to be done.

It’s also nice being away because that means there’s really no errands or chores to be done. There’s just me, Jacob, my mom and Jamie, the dogs, and all my ‘projects’ that I never get around to at home. I packed the trunk of the car full of projects (and Jacob packed half his toys): Computer, camera, scanner, old photo albums, a bunch of reading materials I need to get out of the way, thank-you notes, etc.

Among the ‘etc.’ is the new sewing machine my mother-in-law gave me for my birthday. I sort of know how to sew, and I really want to learn more and become better. I’m psyched to have my own sewing machine now, but that doesn’t mean I have the slightest idea what to do with it. I HATE reading directions and figuring stuff out. With my camera, it was kind of just trial and error learning, something I could self-teach myself. I’m still learning. One time on our trip in July I picked up the booklet and read about half of it. Unfortunately the sewing machine isn’t something I can really just go at with no knowledge base and figure out as I go along.

I just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to thread the needle. I swear to God I’m going to throw the thing out the window. To my credit, I did read the directions, but directions are rarely what they should be. I’m a stickler for the accuracy of things like directions, spelling and grammatical errors. I can’t read any kind of writing without wanting to edit it. I was reading one of those local advertising publications earlier and there were all kinds of mistakes. In one pet-sitting ad it read, “We stay while your away!” I could hardly read on. It’s one thing if the mess-up is in your own personal blog, or whatever, but if this is an ad for a business, the way you make a living, c’mon. My mom, Jamie, and my uncle were all here. I showed it to them and they were equally as appalled. That’s the kind of family I come from. But of course you have to be careful going around talking about other peoples’ mistakes, because that’s when you’re bound to make your own.

Sunday, 10/7/07

It’s a good thing we all have our projects to work on because it rained all day yesterday. It would have been ok but it was mine and Jacob’s first day here and we wanted to get outside to move around. We’re both like that, we need a lot of moving around and exercise to stay happy. Today was much better; the weather has been nice. Jacob got ’work’ outside for hours on end and I got to go running. The dogs hadn’t been happy with being cooped up either, so it was nice for them to be outside again.

And by the grace of God, my aunt (the quilt-making queen) showed up last night. She sat down with me for over an hour today and ran through the basic directions, then walked me through hemming Jacob’s Carhartt pants. He now has Carthartt capris.

Monday, 10/8/07

It’s raining again. Jacob is crazy insane like he was our first day here. Yesterday he was not (crazy insane). It there was ever any question about his need to be outdoors, this proves it. I, however, did go running even though it was raining. I couldn’t’ take another day of just sitting around. It was a short run because I took Mango with me. I still don’t get it though - any ideas on how to train a dog to walk on ONE side of you? She’s all over the place, criss-crossing around, tripping me.

For the first time since I was a kid, I am bored at Camp. I don’t ever remember it raining like this, for multiple days of a trip up here. Actually, if we stay through the week (we’re playing it by ear), it will be my longest trip up here ever. I never got to spend entire summers here like my mom did growing up, or even as my siblings sometimes did. So we are bored and taking a little bit of a day trip to a nearby visitors’ center to see some stuff.

Tuesday, 10/9/07

I can’t start a fire to save my life. I do just what everyone else does, it just doesn’t catch for me. It’s freezing here. I brought warm clothes for Jacob and I, but I sort of forgot the layer part. We’ve each got plenty of sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts, and fleeces, but no jackets or coats, or rain gear. So he and I have been going around the whole time here with four layers of sweatshirt instead of a coat like normal people.

It was sunny for a few hours today and we got to go outside, but that only lasted so long because, again with the freezing. Now we’re ‘in town’, which is to say a 20 minute drive from camp. I just had to pack us into the car because I’ve grown that bored. I just tested out the Walmart parking lot for an internet signal. Nothing. So now I’m in the parking lot of the dollar store. I want to take Jacob in and give him a dollar, but he’s asleep in his carseat from boredom. I told him we’d go to the park on the way back, but now it’s raining. Again. So I guess that is out.

Wednesday, 10/10/07

It's mine and Zach's third wedding anniversary. I knew it was coming and knew we'd be away from him, but it didn't really matter to either of us. We don't get excited about things like that, or at least we don't have enough of a life of luxury to get excited about things like that. I didn't realize it was the actual day until Zach called to wish me a happy anniversary. Points for him.

Also, Jamie left today. He has his dart league tonight and he couldn't miss that. So my mom, Jacob and I are staying on (also Ginger, Mango left with Jamie). This is by far the most beautiful day we've had. Too bad because just a little while ago we resigned to come home a day early. The rain just got to be too much of a bummer. But really, the day was gorgeous. The best day to spend as your last one here for the season.

Thursday, 10/11/07

Well we packed it up and were out of there only two hours from when we said we would leave. A new record? Possibly... I'm back home. The drive was nice and I got back in time to do some unpacking before Danielle came over to drop something off, and then the both of us left for a free camera class at the store where we bought our cameras. Did I mention it rained all day?

Sunday, 10/14/07

I've been a bit distracted the past couple days and now I've finally got all the pictures that I was waiting for to be uploaded. Enjoy.

By the way, the roof still isn't done.

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