Saturday, May 24, 2008


I'm done. I'm done with this being pregnant. I can't wait to start losing weight. I am tired and bitchy all the time now. I'm getting sick of the questions. Zach's really starting to be nice to me now and spoil me, I think he has in mind to keep the baby in there as long as possible. He's in the middle of a big painting job and has a couple more things lined up before he'll be ready for the baby. When the baby is born, he will have two weeks off from work, and more than having him here to help out, what it means to me is that some of our household projects will get done. That will be my reward for giving birth. A new deck off the back of our new addition.

Some of the stuff that is starting to piss me off: The people who ask what I'm having. Mostly I just tell them I don't know and try to say something polite, but sometimes I just feel like being snarky. I'm kind of a stickler for proper grammar and literal meaning of things. So lately when someone asks me what I'm having (as opposed to are you having a boy or girl?) I've started to say, "Well, we're keeping our fingers crossed, but we're pretty sure it's going to be a human!" I also take issue with the fact that they assume we know what we're having, as if everyone in the world finds out the sex ahead of time just because they can.

Then there's the questions directed at Jacob. "Oh, are you going to be a big brother soon?" He's mostly sick of these questions now so he'll ignore the person and I'm left to say something in response. The other day I was very close to telling the woman, "No, actually he's not, I'm just doing this for the cash -- I'm a surrogate!" It's getting so tempting to say outrageous stuff like that. But it's pretty fun killing time by thinking up what other random things I can come up with like that.

A few times recently acquaintances have asked me if I'm having a home birth. I really appreciate this because another thing I don't like is presumptiveness. I don't like it when people assume you're going to have your child in a hospital. If I weren't such a chicken about the pain then I totally would have a home birth. I'm that kind of person, and I appreciate that people get that about me. So whenever I ask someone something like that I always say "Where are you having your baby?" Not "What hospital are you having your baby at?"

Well, we're home for the next few days because it's a holiday weekend and I can't go anywhere. There's nothing left to do here but housework and yard work. I mowed the lawn today in the hopes that the vibrations would shake the baby out. No luck with that yet.

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