Monday, April 06, 2009

We should have named her "Other Calamity"

We were out of town for the weekend so the girls, the canine ones, spent a few days with my mom and Jamie. On Sunday morning they (the humans) left for church and my mother recalls leaving the outgoing mail neatly stacked on the center of the dining room table. She specifically remembers doing this because she didn't want to leave anything too near the edge, lest Mango get to it.

When they got back from church a few hours later, there was much evidence of tampering in the form of scratch marks on the table and papers scattered all about the floor. Clearly Mango had gotten right up on the table. When my mom was putting everything back into place, she found a small piece of an envelope, leftovers of Mango's feast we'll call it. By process of elimination, I believe, she was able to establish that the piece of mail which had been eaten was their tax returns. Thankfully she'd not eaten the entire thing, otherwise they might never have realized the taxes didn't go out in the next day's mail.

My mom was telling me this on Sunday night and she said that she'd have to call the next morning to request a new form. I was cracking up on the phone when she was telling me this and asked if she was going to tell them why she needed a new form. "Yes, I plan to," she informed me. I said that I expect to one day come across a website dedicated to the reasons people have given for submitting late tax returns and see, I"m sorry Judge, the dog failed to tell me she ate my tax mailing for lunch." Just for kicks I looked it up to see if such a thing exists. This link is the closest I could come up with and I wondering if "My dog ate my tax return" would fall under the third bullet where it reads, " flood, fire or other calamity."

As they were dropping the dogs off tonight, Jamie requested that I check Mango's poop for check number 3219. But believe me, that's not too far off from what our daily reality is with these dogs...

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