Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 55: Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach is where we went in April (with my family) and since I never posted pictures of that trip, I am doing it now, while we are at another beach (with Zach's family). This photo was taken from the back patio of the place we rented, it looks out onto a gold course. Here's my sister playing with Sabine. I wanted to post a picture of Easter Sunday when everyone was dressed up, but none of the pictures were decent enough. This is actually Easter, just later in the day. I just like the quality of this photo and it's a nice stolen moment...or something like that. I'm worried that all of these Myrtle Beach photos are going to end up being of Sabine (and not my other child) because, well, she was really cute on that trip, and Jacob was always off playing with Marisa.

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