Monday, November 12, 2007

In Waiting:

A while back I posted about the things I'm not allowed to throw out. We have so much crap laying around and all of it is so sentimental to a four year old, so occasionally I take to hiding little things for a few weeks to make sure they will be forgotten before I get rid of them. This is a tough job for someone who is a recovering hoard-aholic, but someone's got to do it. Currently in waiting are the following:

Looks innocent enough, right?

Ahh...but shift the crock to the left,
the knife block to the right...

Item number one: Dysfunctional Halloween
piece-o-crap toy.

Item(s) number two: Old plastic spoons which
Jacob brought home from my mother's house
after his other ones mysteriously disappeared.

Ugly water absorbing seahorse that expands to
five times its size. We used it, it expanded, we
took it out and it shrunk back. Youthful logic
dictates we now must KEEP IT FOREVER. My
logic: Hide it long enough to be forgotten like the
orange fish Mango ate the last round of "Things I'm
not allowed to get rid of."

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At 9:49 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

how come all of your pictures in this post are little red x's now except for that one???

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious! If Jacob only knew that there was a treasure hunt going on right in his own house. :))



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