Friday, November 02, 2007

Procrastinator's Luck?

Jacob told me months ago that he wanted to be Spud for Halloween. I started planning early in September, but they don't exactly sell Spud costumes and some of the elements of the costume were more difficult than others. I guess I just need the pressure of a deadline anyway. At midnight (the time I finished it), as the day was turning over into Halloween, the costume looked pretty crappy and I thought people would laugh at us, but with a fresh eye in the morning I decided it didn't look half-bad. I got lots of compliments on it at the party on Wednesday; I don't know how sincere they were, but I was pretty proud of the job. At some of the houses later on while we were trick-or-treating, the families with sons knew who he was right away. The families with girls just nodded their heads and said, "Uh-huh, that's nice."


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At 2:07 PM, Blogger emmay said...

Despite our musings that he was Baryshnikov or a trapeze artist, with his headgear on, he looked fantastic!! I mentioned to Benny how creative that Spud helmet was, and how great it looked!

At 8:56 PM, Blogger xmas said...

Oh I didn't mind...before that I was saying if he didn't put the head back on he'd have to be a fairy! So, I'm wondering, did you have to look Baryshnikov up because I'm impressed you spelled it right!

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Job! He sure looks like Spud!


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