Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tired from always serving as the extra in the Bob videos...

Evil Bob snapped and hung Real Bob from the scaffold on the job site one day. It wasn't a pretty sight to come home to, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually:

(click on the picture for another view)

Also in Bobsville, Pilchard had another birthday party. I guess the last one was her 'family' party, and this one was her 'friends' party. All her friends came, Little Bear, Baby Tigger, and new to the crew, Moosey. Let's all give Moosey a warm welcome. He comes to us from Libby Lu at Christmas time, and is actually a reindeer, but don't try to tell Jacob that. Moosey has been trying to get in good with the rest of the gang, and I'm happy to announce that it seems his status in the group has now been confirmed as of two days ago when he was Christened 'Moosey' by Jacob.

Also at the party were Little Pilchard and Little Scrufty, but they 'don't show up in pictures'. Little Pilchard is Scrufty's pet cat, and Little Scrufty is Pilchard's pet dog. Just in case you were wondering.

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At 10:47 PM, Blogger Christa M. Miller said...

ROFL! The top picture is one we have seen around here (except with rescue helicopters' winches), and your interpretation is very similar to the kind of thing we come up with, just to deal with the insanity that is children's TV. ;)


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