Friday, February 01, 2008

Pilchard's Birthday

This is Jacob's new thing: It's Pilchard's birthday. I guess it all started last week when my mom was here helping out with him and Jacob wanted to bake something. I could empathize with his wanting this because I was the kid who took all the ingredients out of the cupboard and put them together to create a masterpiece. I think that I've got one of those written 'recipes' I created somewhere around here. So I OK'd the activity in the interest of getting my work done that night.

This was the result:
mmmm....banana something supreme!

Apparently this was fun for Jacob and the idea stuck. Now he wants to bake all the time. And I guess he's decided that to get the adults to comply, he's got to come up with a reason. So he came home from my mom's the other night all fired up to have a birthday party for Pilchard. It was her birthday and she was turning six!

The next day Jacob decided we couldn't have her party because Pilchard got stuck in Bobsville due to a snowstorm. So it would have to wait one more day, which happened to be the same day as the LOST premiere (yesterday). From the minute the day began, Jacob couldn't wait to get the preparations in order. He called MamMa and Papa and instructed them on what to do. Big plans were under way - cake, ice cream, cupcakes, guests, games...Jacob wanted the party to start right away but I told him that it had to wait until the end up the day when we were up at my mom's (for LOST).

Jacob argued that we had to have it right then - Here I had to employ some of my newly acquired critical thinking skills..."But Jacob, Pilchard has to work at a job site all day anyway."

"No, Pilchard can't work on her birthday."

"Yes, Bob had to work on his birthday. Remember how he thought the whole crew forgot about his birthday and then when he came back from the job site that day they all had a surprise party waiting for him (an actual plot from one of the books we have)? So if Bob had to work on his birthday, so does Pilchard." Boy that class is really working for me.

Jacob made it through the day. We compromised on just cupcakes and ice cream, except I forgot the ice cream, but we had pizza to celebrate the return of LOST anyway, so it all evened out. He had packed a huge bag of random toys to entertain the gaggles of his friend we were supposedly inviting (which never even came out of the bag at my mom's). We sang happy birthday and Jacob got to blow out the candle on account that "Pilchard doesn't have a real mouth because she's stuffed (the first I'd heard she wasn't real) and can't eat or talk." It was a lot of work and Jacob is pretty lucky to have so many adults who care enough to humor him to that extent, but I didn't hear anyone complaining when it came time for cake!

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