Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What people do when they don't have cable

Zach had a pork roast the other day and we saved the bone to give to the dogs. Today seemed like a good day to do it, so we tossed it out in the backyard and they went to town. Poor Ginger didn't stand a chance because it only took a second for Mango to swoop in and steal it. Ginger gave up the fight in favor of the warm house in no time flat so after a bit I had Zach intervene. He took the bone away from Mango and we coaxed Ginger back outside. She took it and ran to the other side of the yard and Mango ran after her. So we were out of earshot by then but the body language was clear. The hair along Ginger's spine was standing up and she was giving Mango the look that she does when she's growling. Mango kept inching over and it was pretty funny to watch. I know it doesn't sound funny, but the fact that all three of us were hanging out at the sliding door laughing our butts off and doing little voice to imitate the dogs is the point.

Mango tried to bring the bone into the house so Zach tossed it in the yard somewhere. We left the house for a couple hours and when we came back the dogs were itching to get out and get at the bone. Actually, Ginger was at the door waiting to go out, which is unusual because she hates the cold and snow (by now it was snowing and the bone had gotten covered a little). I think Mango had forgotten about the bone because she's the dumb one. So Ginger went outside and Mango quickly followed. They both ran to different spots of the yard where the bone had previously been, and then ran all over the place searching for it and digging little holes in the snow. Ginger gave up after a couple minutes but sad little Mango kept at it for so long. We were just inside laughing it up again at her expense. I don't think she ever found it but we finally felt bad enough to call her in. They'll find it eventually when the snow melts.

I guess it was one of those you had to be there kinds of moments because reading this over, it doesn't really sound that funny. But it was for us because of the five channels we have to choose from there was nothing as entertaining as what was going on in the back yard.

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