Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I like the challenge of little tests like this one so I took it. I got an 18 out of 20. Funny thing is I was almost positive about most of the logos. I think it's so fascinating how our brains just absorb information like that. I didn't plan to give Jacob the test, but anytime I am doing anything that appears remotely interesting to Jacob he is at my side, peering over my shoulder. So I went back to the beginning and let him have a go at it.

This is a child who watches limited TV, and mostly videos at that so he's not seeing advertisements. When he does watch actual TV it's PBS, which doesn't even have traditional commercials. And he's also sheltered by his mother. But Jacob got over half the logos correct, and he was pretty sure about the ones he did get right. He was even able to tell me why one was correct and the other wasn't. I just think it's crazy that in only four years he's already gotten so much exposure to advertising. It just goes to show that you can't avoid it, and if you want to keep kids immune to marketing like that you have to continue to have dialogue about it and make them think critically about stuff like that.

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