Sunday, June 17, 2007


Zach just came out of the bathroom and said , "Look pookie," and I turned around to see a man who is not the man I married. I agreed to marry someone who had a goatee. He shaved it off once at Christmas 2000 and I hated it. I made him promise he would never do that again. I told him that if he did I wouldn't love him anymore. Well since it's Fathers' Day I suppose I can't divorce him over this...

He's threatening to keep shaving it and I'm frightened by this. Like all the times in the past six years when he has threatened to shave it off, I believe this to be an empty threat. I cartainly hope it is. I know I sound shallow, but this is just weird. He looks totally different. I'm having to just steal little glances a second at a time. It's like looking directly at the eyes are too vulnerable to look straight at the emptiness on his chin.

I can't bring myself to post a is just too revealing. I won't even give him the satisfaction of taking a picture.

When Zach showed Jacob what he had done, Jacob said, "Put it back on!" My thoughts exactly, little man, my thoughts exactly...


At 8:14 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I wanna see pictures!!! ;-)



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