Saturday, June 21, 2008

I've never been on time for anything in my life...

...why should childbirth be any different for me? Jacob was eight days late, so this waiting is becoming all too familiar. All along I've been assuming I was going to have a June baby. It is just hitting me now that I could possibly have a July baby. Yikes.

Well, the gathering yesterday went well. It was so nice having the moms here and being around all that maternal energy. I really thought all the estrogen might kick the other hormones into action. Also, I got to hold a new baby. He smelled sooo good. That alone should be enough to generate some contractions.

I haven't been keeping count but a rough estimate of the babies born to people I know in the last three weeks is probably eight or more. Two of them were born yesterday. On my due date. I know of four births this week alone. Why is it when you are having a baby, suddenly the rest of the world is too?

Anyway, it's mostly sitting around from here on out because walking, driving, cooking, basically anything ending in -ing, has become difficult. So today I walked around the backyard taking pictures. If my computer doesn't die between now and the next ten minutes, I'll post some of be continued...

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