Sunday, September 14, 2008

The baby head

I went to a baby shower yesterday. The centerpieces on the table were baskets with cupcakes in them. The cupcakes were topped with marzipan babies. They were very cute, actually. I took a picture of it before it was eaten, but I accidentally deleted it. Here is the remains of my mom's cupcake. You can see the head, as well as the little 'pillow' and 'blanket'.

I took mine home to give to Jacob...thought he'd get a kick out of the marzipan baby. I also added the leftover head from my mom's cupcake, making it twins, or a two-headed baby, whichever you prefer. Back at home Jacob popped the first baby right in his mouth and let it slowly dissolve. Then he ate the cupcake. I mistakenly threw out the pink blanket after I took a bite and decided it must have been made out of actual blanket.

And don't you know, after all that sugar consumption, Jacob suddenly becomes maternal. He couldn't bring himself to eat that second baby head. I caught him hidden away in a dark corner of the house sneaking the head into a little baggie. I am forbidden from getting rid of it.

It appears he took a little nibble of the mouth, then thought better of it and packaged the poor dear away. "Make sure the pillow stays under her head!" he yelled as I was setting her back down after taking the picture. This reminds me of the parenting class in high school where they make you carry around a flour bag baby for a week (this didn't actually happen to me, but they always do it on TV).

I'd say this is a clear case of maternal instinct gone awry.

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