Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You know you're a mom when...

Beckie sent this e-mail last night:
Subject: FYI, Bleach

Just so you know, poison control does not consider the fumes
from 2 gallons of
bleach poured down your basement stairs
to be toxic. Even if the bleach pools
up on the floor and
all of the dirty clothes that you have laying in a pile


(not a gallon of paint this time, and not Harry - just the
cat, who is unharmed,
the little shit.)

Then we were talking about it this morning on the phone. I
was asking what clothes got hit by the bleach and hoping
aloud it wasn't any of the good ones. She was running
down the list of clothes that got it and then said, "But you
know what really sucks?"

"Oh no," I said, "It wasn't your tan sweatpants from Peter
Harris, was it?"


We were both 'Oh man-ing' and 'boo-hoo-ing' about it
when it struck us how funny that was.

She said, "You know you're a mom when you're upset
about your
good sweatpants."

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At 4:44 AM, Blogger Idona said...

Oh man-ing is right! I can feel your 'pain' an humor in these conversations! As always, thank you for sharing :)


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