Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Week (or two) In Pictures

Here's the dogs being cute...

And here's Mango jumping on Zach's Lap. She's been into jumping
onto things lately, cuz she just figured it out. Jumping up to
the kitchen counter and stealing stuff off of it too.

And here she is checking her e-mail. It's been so damn cold
out these past couple weeks, and that spot happens to be the
favorite of everyone in the house because it's against the radiator.
I sit there in the morning with my coffee and as soon as I 'move
my feet' I 'lose my seat' to either Mango or Jacob.

Ahh...the self-inflicted haircut. Every kid has at least one
of those - Jacob, he has at least one every six months or so.

Too damn funny to not stop and take a picture of. The
misspelling and grammatical errors make it even funnier.

From a recent trip to Vermont...probably just very ugly, but
at the time it struck me as poetic for some reason - something
about the enmeshment of nature and a product of mankind?

A quaint spot in one of my favorite places - Brattleboro, VT.

A poorly framed shot of a church that one of you should recognize.

A secret message...

Sometimes too cute for words!

Oh the eyelashes! Every single person who has ever met
Jacob has complimented his eyelashes! And no, I don't think
they're wasted on a boy.

The foot that goes with the body
(he fell asleep sitting up after fighting a nap for two hours)

At music class. My peanut is the one with the khaki legs...

Can you tell we've been a little obsessed with
pictures around here lately?

The first snowfall that amounted to enough to cover
the green, green grass.

Playing in it the next day.

Nana and Jacob

The three of us.

Jacob at gymnastics. I had to actually go there to sign him
up because my stubborn principles dictate that I not leave a
message on the answering machine which the entire waiting
room can hear - ever heard of privacy? But did you get that?
GYMNASTICS! If you didn't get that, go here.
Check it out! The tile is in, the floor is down, the walls are
painted and the hairline crack in the tub is fixed! Almost there!


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