Saturday, July 05, 2008

Nursing Mother's NIghtmare

So I stopped posting a few days ago because I haven't had a free hand since. On Wednesday the milky fuzz on Sabine's tongue got a little thicker than it had been, too thick to be normal. By the end of the day it had spread to the roof of her mouth, her tongue, and to me. We have thrush. I went to the doctor with her on Thursday and we both got prescriptions. There was an initial improvement but that has been it so far. I am not too hopeful the nystatin is going to work because I hear the yeast is becoming particularly resistant to that medication.

Since starting the 4x/day medicine, Sabine has been a new baby, and not for the better. She is pukey, grouchy, restless, gasey and irritable. She doesn't like taking it, and she doesn't feel well being on it. We haven't been able to put her down and she hardly sleeps during the day. This is starting to feel more like the newborn experience I'm used to. She still has many awake periods where she's really alert and happy, but put her down and it's all over. I don't mind carrying her around all the time, but she's becoming pickier with the kind of motion she likes to have while being carried. She likes being upright with her back pat rapidly, she likes being swaddled, and she likes bouncing in our lap on the big exercise ball. That's what we've figured out so far...

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At 2:56 PM, Blogger Christa M. Miller said...

A mom I knew swore by Gentian violet. If you don't mind a baby with a purple-stained mouth, it might be a better remedy. You might also want to look into probiotic drops, though I'm not sure if there are any thrush-specific ones. Good luck!!


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