Sunday, March 08, 2009

Showing his love

This happened right after Valentine's Day when Jacob was allll into making valentine's cards. It took me a while to decide whether or not I should post this because at what point do I need to start prioritizing my children's future embarrassment? Then I said, awe screw it, this is too worth it.

So without further ado, here is the Valentine's card Jacob made for his best friends. He was so sweet to include the whole family on the card:

And here is the back side of it:

Go ahead. Laugh. Pick your jaw up off the ground. Now let me explain. It's not what it appears to be at first glance, but it's just as bad. Jacob drew himself and his two best friends with poop coming out their butts. "Because we like to talk about poop together," he explained.

Zach and I weren't sure whether we needed to be appalled or proud of his artistic ability. I mean, c'mon, he drew in butt cheeks.

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