Friday, August 29, 2008

Up to her old tricks again...

This is a cloth diaper insert. And this is how we found it when we got home the other day. And then in the next room was a huge pile of vomit that not only contained numerous inedible materials, but also appeared to have actual dog intestine in it.


We stayed away from it until Zach was about due home. When he walked in the door I made like we'd just gotten home as well, then as I was sitting down to (conveniently) nurse the baby I said, "Oh shoot, I didn't get a chance to clean that up yet..." And if you think that's wrong of me, just try to convince me Zach's never faked sleep when Jacob needed something in the middle of the night.

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The Deck

I totally forgot to post about this, but when we came home from Camp last time, Zach had actually finished the deck! We are LOVING it. I didn't realize how much we needed something like this. Here are a couple pictures from Alex's cell phone while we were away, and then finish ones I took this morning real quick. The deck isn't fixed up with furnishing yet, but it's still the best thing that's happened around here since the addition. I have to give credit for doing such a great job on the deck. Everyone is really impressed that he can just whip out something like that in a week.

The kids and I will be at Camp until next Wednesday...wonder what he'll do while we're gone this time...

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Thursday, August 28, 2008


There have been about a million and one times I have wanted to post about The Moms. And I've never really gotten around to it. I don't know why...I guess we're too busy having fun with them and living in the moment to waste time writing about it. So that's why I'm the annoying mom who brings her camera everywhere and gets in peoples' faces with it. I can at least record our memories that way.

The Moms have been my lifeline since Jacob was four months old. I found the group and jumped right in, never looking back. I could go on and on but I wouldn't know where to stop. We're all different ages, from many different countries and have varied upbringings and backgrounds. But we have this great bond, some bonds stronger than others. I really love these women and their kids and it's so fun to have such a constant group to share the days of our children's young lives with.

Unlike college, I am actually aware that these are the best days of my life. This is the time that I will look back on as the good old days. Some of the kids are starting to go off to Kindergarten in a week and it is so sad. Yesterday was Bookclub. We've been meeting once a month for almost four years. This is my favorite activity of the month. Amy hosted as sort of a last hurrah of the summer because she's got to go back to work as a teacher when school starts. Pretty much everyone showed up, except for MK (sorry, I have lots of pictures).

So here's what it's like: I pulled in on the later side, as I often do. Beckie and Julie immediately headed to my car with 'gifts'. Beckie had the end of a cabbage for me to give to the bunnies, Julie had a bag of muffins to greet the new baby with (as this was the first time she got to meet her) and some old baby food jars she'd saved for me so I can start making and storing Beanie's food. Out of my car I pulled three bags of clothes, one for Minerva and two for MaryMargaret. Minerva in turn, gave me back a bag of clothes that are too small for her little guy. I grabbed Marianne's copy of this month's book to return to her, with some of those Pampers codes affixed to the front because she saves them up to trade in for toys. Jeanne then gave me a jar she'd saved for Beanie's baby food. Before I left Amy had sent me off with another little bag of baby jars. And then I met MaryMargaret at a gas station on the way home to give her the other bags, and she tossed a big old bag of big boy clothes from someone else onto the front seat of my car.

All in all there were 11 moms there and I don't-know-how-many kids. We talked about the book for maybe five minutes, had lunch and stayed for over four hours. One of us is heading off to China for three weeks, four of us have kids starting kindergarten, four others have babies who were born in the last year. At any given time you could look around and see each mother tending to someone else's child, most of us responding to them as if they were our own, jumping up to catch them before falling without even being asked. Fixing them a plate of food, rocking them to sleep, soothing a fussy toddler, pushing them on a swing.

Whoever said it takes a village was right!

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Beanie goes to the movies

When Jacob was a baby Zach and I took him along with us to a movie. He slept the whole time except for once when he woke up and all I had to do them was pop him on to nurse before he even made a peep. It was the most liberating feeling of my new motherhood experience; being able to have a baby and still maintain a social life. Zach, on the other hand, was extremely embarrassed to have a baby in a movie theater. He said he'd never do it again (I don't know why, it went off without a hitch) and has kept his word.

When I found out that The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was coming out with a sequel (finally) my friend Jen and I planned to go together because she is my movie buddy and we saw the first one together. This was back mid-pregnancy (when I heard about the movie). I'd been waiting a long time to go and giggle and act like adolescents again (we met in fifth grade). Jen, a new mother herself, couldn't be happier about accompanying my baby and me to the movie. We went last night, I popped Beanie into the sling and the night went off without a hitch. She was awake when we arrived but I nursed her at the beginning of the movie and she slept in my arms the rest of the time.

I actually didn't think the movie was that great. I think if a person hasn't read the books they would have a hard time following what was going on. Because they squeezed the last three books of the series into one movie they had to skip huge parts of the plot and leave out certain characters I was looking forward to finding out who they cast for the part. It was good to get out though and hang out with Jen (who, by the way, can't keep her hands off Beanie). I'm pretty sure she's in love with her just like I'm in love with her little boy, Joey. Jen and Dan are going to be Sabine's Godparents.

Anyway, I'm skipping around here. I guess some people think it's weird, but I can't go anywhere without my babies when they are new. I use the excuse that "She only gets it from the tap," but really, I don't want to leave her. For some reason I feel like that's abnormal in the eyes of others and they won't understand. I don't know why it should be that way. It would feel unnatural to me to leave a person who is basically like a fifth limb, attached to me by invisible heart strings, so soon after giving birth.

Well, now you know my secret that I am a sucker for queer chick flicks.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Adventures in Elimination Communication

Chapter 1: Also known as Natural Infant Hygiene.

I've always had trouble putting babies diapers and clothes back on once I have changed them. "Their tooshes are just so cute and soft," I explain to people. So for me it would be a natural extension of my naked baby toosh fetish to experiment with the Elimination Communication method. This is the practice of going diaper-free with your baby and holding them over the toilet, or other appropriate place, to 'eliminate'. It's main focus is on the communication aspect, and not so much on 'potty training them.

Back midway through my pregnancy I read an article about it and became intrigued. I remember expressing to the moms that it was something that seemed right up my alley. Heck I already use cloth diapers and with breastfeeding I've experienced the intuitive nature of mothering (think 'let down' as it applies to nursing) that it takes to know when the baby's got to go. I thought it would be cool to give it a try.

By the time Sabine was born I finally got around to requesting a book from the library. It came in a few weeks ago and I've been slowly reading it. I'm dying to finish it so I can start figuring this whole thing out, but here's what has been happening so far:

I'm leaving Sabine's naked for a while after I change her so she can 'air out', which is good for them anyway, but also to observe when she pees so I can become attuned to her rhythms and begin to notice the signals that she makes when she's about to pee.

This, of course, has led to many humorous instances of someone (mostly me) being peed on or pooped on.

Zach was home on lunch one day recently and since he was in a mood for talking I broached the subject. This was the first time I'd ever said anything to him about it - I figured he would think it is weird. Maybe it's the fact that he's in the doghouse slightly right now, or maybe he's just come around more than I think, but he didn't seem revolted by the though of hanging the baby over the toilet to poo. Since Zach was somewhat ok with it in the moment, I felt a little more freer in leaving the baby's diaper off for a while since she had already peed and pooped just a few minutes before.

I am learning that babies pee a whole lot more frequently than you would think. I sat down at the table with the baby and within minutes she'd released the warm liquid all over my lap. Zach was standing in the kitchen eating his lunch. I handed her to over so I could go change my clothes. Just as I was coming back downstairs Sabine let loose with the infamous number 2 all over the floor with a few splashes on Zach. I wiped at it with a baby wipe and tried to convince him that when you have a new baby at home people expect you to show up with some form of infant fluid on you at any given time. He reminded me that going to an actual place of work is different than going to a playgroup, and then he (wisely) headed upstairs to change. I say wisely because this is the place in the conversation where husbands often eat their words. They start to suggest things like their jobs are harder than staying home with the kids, or that since it doesn't pay anything mothering is not real work.

I've become used to the idea that I'm going to get peed on at least once each day. If I could just finish this book I feel like I will learn the secret to this EC thing and we'll get the hang of it. For now, I've figured out that until I do 'get it', it's best to leave Sabine in the bassinet with a cloth diaper doubled up under her while she's going 'nakey bottom'.

The kids and I are heading up to Camp again for a long weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the book up there and then start to work some magic. Zach will be staying home this time and perhaps he'll work some magic here on the home front with some of those stubborn house projects.

Stayed tuned to see how we're all coping...

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Olympics Anonymous

This is a little late now, but I did start the post while the Olympics were still on. And actually, the fact that I haven't posted much lately is due in part to the Olympics being televised into the wee hours of the morning (also due in part to the one-handed nature of my typing these days, as the only computer time I get is when I'm nursing the baby).

Anyway, didn't you sort of feel like you were addicted to the Olympics? Or that you spent all day looking forward to settling down on the couch at night to watch them? And did you fall asleep on the couch at midnight only to wake up every 30 minutes or so and try to stay awake to watch until it went off at 3am? No? Well that's what it was like at our house. It also stayed really messy in our house, to-do lists were thrown out the window and our kid didn't go to sleep until midnight because we really wanted him to experience then Olympics, after all someday he'll be an Olympic gymnast...hehe.

I did talk to a lot of other people who seemed to be as addicted as us, and then some who were not. It seemed like for two and a half weeks the country could be divided into two kinds of people: Those who watched the Olympics round the clock and those who couldn't care less.

Now that it's over I'm a little sad but I've just discovered the video clips on and that's helping me with my withdrawal...

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sabine: Month Two

Dear Sabine,

You've got us all enraptured. You are a beautiful, perfect baby. Not that you need to be perfect, but it is a bonus. Not a day goes by without you meeting someone new and they tell me just how stunning you are. You've got your own look and personality already. This is where things get really fun.
I've been calling you Sabine Smiles a lot lately because that is all you do. You smile. You smile at anyone who is kind enough to look in your direction. You smile big and proud. When you're not smiling, you've got the furrowed brow going, like you're trying to figure something out about your surroundings. Recently we've been catching you with your eyes down, looking hard at the feet right in front of you. You've also found your hands and it's just the cutest thing to see a baby slowly examining their clenched-up hand just a few inches from their faces, eyes all crossed in fascination.

Along with the discovery of your hands has finally come the ability to shove a finger or two into your mouth. I can't tell you what this has done in terms of making you happy. You really love sucking on pretty much anything, but to see you go to town on your tiny little thumb is adorable. Incidentally, it's your left thumb that you've been going for. This makes me happy because I think maybe it's the very beginning of your favoring a certain side, and I am really hoping for a lefty (like me).

The eyelashes on you are another thing all together. I can practically see them growing by the day. You whole body is growing too. You've already made it out of most of the newborn sizes that I know Jacob wore much longer.

It seemed like for a while you were getting into this multi-day cycle where you were awake basically an entire day, and then the next day you'd sleep all day to make up for being awake. Then maybe on the third day you'd have a half and half day before starting from the beginning again. That's not happening so much now. You're mostly awake on most days. Boy, that time of all day long newborn sleep didn't last long...

None of us really have a schedule, but boy you are like clockwork with the waking up at 6:30 in the morning. Thank God your father is also early-rising and can get up with you for an hour before getting ready for work. I'm not really sure how an early-to-wake child came from my body, but I'm hoping to knock that trait out of you eventually. No, actually, I think your daddy really likes getting up with you in the morning. It's your special bonding time. Tonight he was explaining something to me and he said, "That's the first thing (feed the dogs) Sabine and I do in the morning. Then we let the dogs out, and then we feed the rabbits..." He said this in all seriousness not even realizing he was engaging in a sort of baby talk. I think you are going to have him wrapped around your finger.

Some days I can't go back to sleep after you get up because you're just so damn happy and I just want to keep looking at you. We smile at each other, I say goofy things, then you crack up and it looks like your face is going to turn inside out, you're smiling so hard. You smile in your swing talking to the animals. I'm pretty sure you prefer the lion. You chatter away with them, having secret conversations. You smile in the bassinet watching me cook or wash dishes. Anytime you're cranky simply walking outside so you can get some fresh air on your skin will calm you down. When you're not being held you usually press a fist to your cheek. You love to rest high on our shoulders with you head hanging off to the side so you can examine the passing world.

And Jacob. I swear he must be your most favorite thing. You hear his voice and the world stops. He loves you so much. One morning I caught him leaning over you, whispering in your ear. I didn't want to interrupt the moment so I just silently observed. He said to you, "I love you so much." I think the feeling is mutual.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Camp Pictures


There were mushrooms everywhere from all
the rain. I took a lot of pictures of them,
I just like mushrooms that way.

We took the row boat out the the island so Jacob
and Mango could run around on the sandbar.

It was Sabine's first boat ride. She enjoyed it, and then
gave me a nice big yawn. Yes, that's still thrush on her
tongue. We both started treatment again on Monday...
and so resumes the projectile vomit that the doctor's
office told me was not related to the Nystatin. Yeah. OK.


Without Zach there to get up with the 'early riser',
I was forced to make it an early morning with a full
pot of coffee. There was plenty of time to take pictures
of the sunrise.

I saved this cool looking (zoom in) bug from the waterbottle.

Sabine had a little photo shoot while my mom held her...

And then I gave her a bath, a mohawk, then took
a picture. She looks like she's about to pop me one!

And Jacob fell asleep on the couch.

Wednesday: Apparently I was too tired from being a single parent for three days at this point to even lift the camera to take pictures...


This is how she wakes up. I call her Sabine Smiles.
She wakes up happy and EARLY. I must suppress
this trait of hers.

Jacob may hate me now that he's no longer my
one and only, but he certainly loves the baby.

I took a picture of a Blue Heron.
(Mom, did I spell that right?)

And a Bald Eagle!

Thursday: My son proved just how deep his love for Bob the Builder runs.

Jacob pooped his pants and it was so nasty
I told him we had to throw the underwear out.
It was Bob the Builder so he protested. I told
him, "Fine, you clean it then." And he did.

We mostly pittered the day away waiting for the
rest of the gang to arrive (even though it was a
surprise to Jacob). Then the cavalry arrived and
all was right in the world again.


We picked berries all week long.

Marisa and Jacob played really well together
with the second-generation camp toys.

They played together in the water.

And had a good time at the county fair on the
rides and visiting with all the animals.


We all took one last ride out to the island before
leaving later that afternoon.

My sister's smelly, bug-eyed dog, Benny, came
with us. He freaked out around the water.

The kids had another excuse to strip down.

And just like all those before her, Sabine got
her first bath in the Camp sink.

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what a day for a daydream...

I'm sitting here at the computer, listening to the hum of Sabine's swing and feeling guilty that she's in it and not my arms, but sometimes it's the only way I can get her to sleep. I'm trying to tune out Jacob's constant, senseless rambling. Despite the fact that I keep telling him I can't answer anymore questions or listen to anymore stories because I've got to get my 'computer work' done, he's a constant motor-mouth.

I'm daydreaming and thinking wouldn't it be great if kids came with a mute button? I let my mind wander and tell myself if anyone ever asks me what one baby product I would invent if I could, I would have an answer. I would make a mute button for parents to use. Then I think it might be just as distracting to see a fumbling, insane, mute child running around your ankles. So maybe they should come with a freeze button too. I mean, nothing that would freeze them for long because that would be unfair. It would have a ten minute a day maximum or something, and maybe once a month you could have an hour-at-time bonus just for sanity's sake. Otherwise why have a kid if you're just going to hit the freeze button all the time? Just go to the store and bring home a tiny department store mannequin and call it a kid.

If they're going to be frozen then it's almost like you've stopped time, and since no mother has enough time in the day, why not just make it a 'freeze time' button? But maybe you'd like the option of picking which you want for different situations. That's starting to be a lot of buttons...maybe I should just design it like a little remote control....

I wonder what I could come up with for husbands...

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Monday, August 11, 2008

A week at Camp

When my mom was growing up they used to spend the entire summer up at Camp. Things were simpler then. I've never gotten to do that, much less spend an entire week there. This past week Jacob, Sabine, my mom and I did spend a week there. Late on day 5 we were joined by my sister, Marisa and Zach.

We left for Camp on Sunday evening during thunder storms. Sabine got her first ride in the van as we were taking the dogs too and needed the extra room. We had to install the carseat first and boy getting that base in perfect was a pain in the ass. The kids slept most of the way so we the trip went by fast.

Monday we did the usual stuff (picked blueberries, played with the Camp toys, went for a walk) and then went out to the island in the row boat. We took Mango to play around on the sand bar. This was Sabine's first boat ride. On Tuesday, in addition to the usual stuff, we went for a long walk on the old railroad bed. For this I put Sabine in the running stroller we keep up there. That was her first ride in a stroller. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday brought more firsts for her, as well as rain on and off ever day we were there. Each day it poured rain, then got sunny and hot before raining again, only to clear up again and maybe repeat the whole cycle one or two more times before the day was over.

Friday evening is when we were joined by the rest of the crowd. Zach and I decided to keep it a surprise for Jacob that he was coming up for the weekend because otherwise Jakie would have wasted the weekdays waiting for the weekend to come. I think Jacob was in shock when they all got there but soon after he and Marisa set to playing. My sister brought her little yippy dog, Benny, so Ginger and Mango had plenty of excitement meeting their new 'cousin'.

We left to come home yesterday but had to wait around for the rain to slow enough so we could load the car with all our stuff and then get everyone in. The ride home was a pain in the ass. We had to stop a lot for the baby and Jacob freaked out the last hour of the ride. The whole second half of the ride home he asked once a minute how long it would be until we got home. An hour from home he couldn't take it anymore and went berserk. Then 20 minutes before we got home he started sobbing and the only thing that would calm him down was giving him my cell phone to mess around with.

When we finally got home Jacob jumped out as fast as he could and ran screeching to the back yard. He wanted to see the deck that Zach had been telling us about, that's why he had so much trouble on the long ride. But what gives, he used to be so peaceful in the car. So the deck is half done and looks pretty cool. Also, a huge bonus surprise, Zach installed the window that needed replacing which I've been begging him to do for over a year.

Anyway, we're back and today was a crazy introduction back into the real world. Hopefully I'll have pictures tomorrow...

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Next Up:

The deck project.

He's been saying for a long time that it would happen. And now it is. Pictures below show the progress after day 1. The kids and I are going back up to Camp on Sunday or Monday with my mom. I haven't specifically asked because I'm afraid to get my hopes up, but we'll be gone for at least five days so I'm wondering if Zach is planning to work on the project and surprise us with a completed deck when we get back? That would be super fantastic, Sweetie!

So I'm not going to ask, and I hope Zach doesn't make any promises. I will just pretend that nothing is happening on the deck while we're away so that I don't have any expectations. That way I can't be disappointed, only happy when I see what progress has been made. And at least I won't have had to be around for the stress and aggravation of whatever progress he does make on the deck.

Showing his assistant the deck plans.

First they marked off the area, then dug the holes.

I didn't get home to take pictures until they were
already pouring the cement.

Checking on the thickness of Jacob's mix.

Jacob helps to fill in the holes.

Finishing up the last one. Now they have to let
it set. Jacob looks like he's had a long day. He was
pretty wiped later on!

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